full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Uri Hasson: This is your brain on communication

Unscramble the Blue Letters

With me, as a viewer, there is a spiecifc biarn pattern in my brain when I wtach it. Now, the exact same pattern, I can reactivate in my brain again by telling the word: Sherlock, London, murderer. And when I'm transmitting these words to your brains now, you have to reconstruct it in your mind. In fact, we see that pattern emerging now in your brains. And we were really surprised to see that the pattern you have now in your brains when I'm describing to you these scenes would be very similar to the pattern I had when I watched this movie a few months ago in the scanner. This starts to tell you about the mechanism by which we can tell stories and transmit information. Because, for example, now you're listening really hard and trying to understand what I'm saying. And I know that it's not easy. But I hope that at one pinot in the talk we cileckd, and you got me. And I think that in a few hours, a few days, a few mtohns, you're going to meet someone at a party, and you're going to tell him about this lecture, and suddenly it will be as if he is standing now here with us. Now you can see how we can take this mechanism and try to transmit mreoimes and knowledge across pelope, which is weodnurfl, right?

Open Cloze

With me, as a viewer, there is a ________ _____ pattern in my brain when I _____ it. Now, the exact same pattern, I can reactivate in my brain again by telling the word: Sherlock, London, murderer. And when I'm transmitting these words to your brains now, you have to reconstruct it in your mind. In fact, we see that pattern emerging now in your brains. And we were really surprised to see that the pattern you have now in your brains when I'm describing to you these scenes would be very similar to the pattern I had when I watched this movie a few months ago in the scanner. This starts to tell you about the mechanism by which we can tell stories and transmit information. Because, for example, now you're listening really hard and trying to understand what I'm saying. And I know that it's not easy. But I hope that at one _____ in the talk we _______, and you got me. And I think that in a few hours, a few days, a few ______, you're going to meet someone at a party, and you're going to tell him about this lecture, and suddenly it will be as if he is standing now here with us. Now you can see how we can take this mechanism and try to transmit ________ and knowledge across ______, which is _________, right?


  1. specific
  2. brain
  3. memories
  4. point
  5. people
  6. watch
  7. wonderful
  8. clicked
  9. months

Original Text

With me, as a viewer, there is a specific brain pattern in my brain when I watch it. Now, the exact same pattern, I can reactivate in my brain again by telling the word: Sherlock, London, murderer. And when I'm transmitting these words to your brains now, you have to reconstruct it in your mind. In fact, we see that pattern emerging now in your brains. And we were really surprised to see that the pattern you have now in your brains when I'm describing to you these scenes would be very similar to the pattern I had when I watched this movie a few months ago in the scanner. This starts to tell you about the mechanism by which we can tell stories and transmit information. Because, for example, now you're listening really hard and trying to understand what I'm saying. And I know that it's not easy. But I hope that at one point in the talk we clicked, and you got me. And I think that in a few hours, a few days, a few months, you're going to meet someone at a party, and you're going to tell him about this lecture, and suddenly it will be as if he is standing now here with us. Now you can see how we can take this mechanism and try to transmit memories and knowledge across people, which is wonderful, right?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
brain responses 5
common ground 5
brain area 2
physical entrainment 2
auditory cortices 2
spread deeper 2
english story 2
early age 2

Important Words

  1. brain
  2. brains
  3. clicked
  4. days
  5. describing
  6. easy
  7. emerging
  8. exact
  9. fact
  10. hard
  11. hope
  12. hours
  13. information
  14. knowledge
  15. lecture
  16. listening
  17. london
  18. mechanism
  19. meet
  20. memories
  21. mind
  22. months
  23. movie
  24. murderer
  25. party
  26. pattern
  27. people
  28. point
  29. reactivate
  30. reconstruct
  31. scanner
  32. scenes
  33. sherlock
  34. similar
  35. specific
  36. standing
  37. starts
  38. stories
  39. suddenly
  40. surprised
  41. talk
  42. telling
  43. transmit
  44. transmitting
  45. understand
  46. viewer
  47. watch
  48. watched
  49. wonderful
  50. words